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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

He is just not into me

 I copied the following article from this link.

Bibi Lynch wearing a red dress and jean jacket with her hands in her pockets standing in a wood panelled lift
Bibi Lynch


A moment that changed me: I’m 58 and single since 1997. A Sex and the City meme transformed my life


My first and only proper relationship ended the day after Princess Diana died. There followed years of dalliances and situationships, before I realized something crucial about myself


Bibi Lynch


Wed 12 Jun 2024 07.00 BST Last modified on Wed 12 Jun 2024 13.12 BST


Sometimes a meme can change your life. OK, your love life, let’s not get Carrie’d away. It was about 3am; I was in bed with two empty Gü Zillionaire ramekins and my favourite hot-water bottle (yes, I have a favourite), and zombie-scrolling TikTok. A Sex and the City clip appeared. The one that says: “He’s just not that into you.”


I’d obviously seen it before, years ago when the show came out, but I hadn’t seen it since. So I didn’t swipe. I watched – for old times’ sake. And it blew my mind. You remember? Miranda is telling Carrie and Charlotte about her previous night’s almost-encounter: asking for their theories about a date who “didn’t come up” because he said he had an early meeting.


While Carrie and Charlotte suggest he’s still interested “but wants to take it slow”, Carrie’s then-boyfriend, tasty Berger is having none of it: “Not going to sugar-coat it for you: he’s just not that into you.” Carrie squeals. Charlotte gasps. I stopped licking the Gü pot. And just like that … it all made sense.


I knew this line, so why hadn’t I “got” it before? It would’ve made things so much easier, because my personal life has been a disaster. I’m 58 and have only had one boyfriend – for four years from the age of 27 – and that relationship ended the day after Diana, Princess of Wales died. My other dalliances have been one-night stands, three-month collapses and very many infatuations and situationships in between.


There’s been no love affair since 1997, no second date since 2017. My last “potential” romance spent our only rendezvous looking over my shoulder and smiling at the younger, prettier woman behind me – and I was obsessed with him. Well, with my version of him. When you don’t really know someone it’s so easy to project on to and invest in a person. The internet makes it so easy to find out just enough that you can decide who you think they are.


This one was a lovebomber; he would leave me voice notes and send me cute videos, then end up breadcrumbing and ghosting me. Oh, the time I spent, like Miranda, deciphering mixed messages and analyzing why we weren’t happening. He was scared of getting hurt, I reasoned; he was overwhelmed by his feelings towards me; he was certain we were soulmates and wanted to make sure he was in the right emotional state for me because he couldn’t mess this one up.


Of course, none of the above was true. He just wasn’t that into me. None of them had been. There was the ex who told me: “I like seeing you but I never feel sad when you leave.” Which my brain interpreted as: “We’re slowly building strong foundations. How fabulous.” And the bloke who informed me: “You know this isn’t a relationship, don’t you?”


I wasted years analyzing and making excuses for these men, when I should have spent time analyzing myself: because I was the problem here – I was the one attracting men who didn’t want to commit because I didn’t want to commit. Not deep down. It was too dangerous (traumatizing relationship role models will do that to you). Not only did I not want to commit, I actually felt safe in that high-octane starting stage of a relationship, because those heightened emotions were familiar to me from my childhood. He’s just not that into me? I’m just not that into me.


But not any more. Now I’m ready: ready to sort out my baggage with my therapist and ready to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to my dates. A man says we must meet but never makes an actual plan? He’s just not that into me. A bloke takes three days to reply to a message, and when he does he hearts it? He can jog on. One crush views all my Insta Stories but that’s the beginning and end of the attention? No more ringing my poor friend Em to ask her if he’s into me. He’s not. I know that now.


This freed-up brain space is a joy. As Miranda says to Carrie and Charlotte: “It is the most liberating thing I’ve ever heard.” Time is running out and if I want to find my person I have to learn how to commit; how to fall in love. I have to unlearn all my adult behaviour. The thought is actually as exciting as it is daunting. I might finally meet someone. Can you imagine? Perhaps I need another TV show meme to help me on my journey. Nothing from EastEnders, please.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Why getting married? (3)
the pic was taken from this link


Around a year ago, one loved of mine was asked by one good friend of hers to accompany her to 'escape' to another town for two days. Let's call her 'Y'. Y needed to 'run away' to avoid a wedding invitation: her ex married another woman! She felt cheated because she and her ex just broke up, then she got that invitation. Her 'reading' was: her ex-boyfriend dated two girls at the same time. When Y refused his marriage proposal, he decided to marry the other one.


Just a few days ago, my loved one told me another story, still related to Y. Y met her college friend, let's call him X. X clearly seemed to try his best to get close to Y. And last weekend, X asked Y out, where X gave her a quite expensive gift, while saying something like he wanted to get married in the near future now that his parents are getting old and X thought the parents need a daughter-in-law to take care of them. How about X? X works out of Java island, quite far from where his parents live.




I just came to another 'conclusion': I need to add another reason why people get married: to take care of parents. Oh, perhaps I can still add another one: the parents already want to have grandchildren. These two reasons are very typical Indonesian culture, I presume! This reminded me of one quite popular singer in Indonesia: Denny Caknan wanted to get married as soon as possible (his ex-girlfriend seemed to refuse his marriage proposal) now that his parents really want to have grandchildren. Therefore, Denny married another girl.


Let's wait for the next news: will Y accept X's proposal to take care of X's parents. My loved one said that Y told her, "Did he think only his parents need to be taken care of? Didn't he think I also want to take care of my own parents in their old age?"


PT56 13.37 11/06/2024



Y refused her (last year) boyfriend's proposal because she knew that in fact the ulterior motive of that man to marry her was to take care of his parents.



Why getting married (2) can be viewed here.  


Why getting married can be viewed here